"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This morning the kids and I picked blueberries. We arrived at the blueberry patch at 8:00am. Very early for us to be out and about. I must say we have thoroughly enjoyed the pleasures of our summer vacation, ie: sleeping in. But today we wanted to get some yummy blueberries before it got too hot. The farm we went to belongs to one of our deacons and his sweet wife. Tom and Dorothy Rogers have a large blueberry patch. They are very sweet to share their blueberries with others. They also have several Oreo cows (very cool), horses and Llamas. They love and take very good care of their animals. The kids and I had a great time today. They were convinced that the horses wanted them to stay.

Nathan and Anna-Marie picking blueberries.

Anna-Marie sitting down on the job.

Anna-Marie and I enjoying the "fruits" of our labor.

Nathan showing off all his blueberries. He worked very hard.

Clowning Around

Yes, that is a Llama! Pretty cool, huh!!
What's happening
Right now we are getting packed up to go spend a few days at the beach. I don't know who's more excited, the kids or Michael and I.
Cutie's from the kiddos
Nathan has decided he is going to start a car washing business. He wants some money. He told his Daddy that they could go into business together. Nathan said he would wash the peoples car's while his Daddy preached to them. This might have potential.
Some personal thoughts
I read a daily devotional by Henry Blackaby. Today's message really made me stop and think. He said, "Whenever an unbeliever meets a Christian, the unbeliever ought to be face to face with everything he needs to know in order to follow Christ."
In other words, when they see me, my actions, my attitudes I should completely represent Jesus to them. Sadly, we Christians typically have our lives so filled with sin, bad attitudes and hypocrisy that we often turn unbelievers away instead of drawing them in. Blackaby goes on to say, "Our lives ought to be a highway of holiness, providing easy access to God for anyone around us who seeks Him."
As I continued to ponder these thoughts I was reminded of the hand towels I keep in my bathroom. I have two, one is very pretty and it is for "decor only". Not to be used. The second one is to be used. It's pretty mind you, but a little older then the other and obviously useful. I thought of my Christian walk. As a Christian I can be like the "decor only" towel. Yes, I'm saved. My salvation is sealed and I'm on my way to heaven (look at me ain't I pretty) but it stops there I have no other usefulness, I don't meet the real needs of anyone. Or I can be like the "use me" towel. Sold out and used up for the cause of Christ. Here I am Lord use me. Yes, I get tired, but He renews my energy. When I get dirty and stained with my sins or the sins of others, just like that towels is washed, He washes me.
Well I've been on here too long. Time to go wash some towels.

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