"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Monday, October 25, 2010

Scooter (Scootie) was such sweet little dog. But he just had no fears and wanted friends too badly. His adventures crossing the road would eventually lead to his death. Too bad it was sooner rather than latter. We now live on a very busy street and it was so hard to keep him from running away. He was hit by a car last Thursday night, while I knew it was a matter of time I still feel so guilty. I wish I had done more to protect him. He was only two, he still he had so many years left to bring us joy. While he was here in our home, he drove me crazy most days. Chewing up things he ought not be chewing up, having accidents when he hasn't had accidents in a long time. Constantly wanting to go outside or to be given a treat, and I mean constantly. He was so completely obsessed with Michael, we had to get Michael on the phone with him if it was too late at night and Michael wasn't home, he just couldn't settle down if he didn't know where his master was. If Michael was out of town he would bark all night long, but other wise he slept like a baby. Traveled so well, you never heard a peep out of him. He was a "shuzu" as I call him, cause I just can't bring myself to say a cuss word, dog name or not. We got him when he was just a few months old. Anybody that met him instantly fell in love with him. He was just that sweet and cute.
We each shared some of our funny memories of Scooter. Anna-Marie talked about him walking around with his bowl in his mouth if he was out of water and wanted more. (such a smart dog). Nathan said that Scooter snuggled with him after school the day some kids made fun of his last name. Michael, whom I really believe is the saddest, talked about the time Scooter ran down the road (in our old neighborhood) only to return a little later with a big piece of bread hanging from his mouth. He would sit in the office with Michael while he studied.
I know God is in control of every aspect of our lives and I know that this has been sad for our family. I also realize this is small in comparison to the hurt and suffering that others are facing even today. I thought about how perfect God is, how amazingly wonderful. Life and death are very natural. Of course as people we have the opportunity to live eternally if we have put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. But this experience of death, its so different. Anna-Marie commented "Mama, I've never felt this way before". True she has never really experienced the pain of true loss. Really losing something ( a live thing) that you really love. I know Scooter is a dog and so this in no way compares to losing a person, but I believe God gives us this experience of death with our animals to prepare us for the day that we do lose someone we love. When you lose someone you love, you feel like you are literally going to die from the pain.
While I hate to see my children sad, I know that this will in a small way prepare them for life. Because it is appointed for each person to die. This reminds me to get busy making sure people don't die without Jesus!