"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just can't believe how time flies. School is out and we are already half way through the summer. I just love being a mom who gets to stay home with the kids during the summer. God blessed us with a wonderful week long trip to Orlando. What a blast!!

My mind keeps wandering back to the days when my kids were little. Maybe it's because my sister just had her second son, but I really long for the baby days again.

I'm falling more and more in love with my husband every day. I just love that man. He brings such a joy and peace to my life.

I'm just wondering what really is God's plan for me. Is there something I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not? am I doing it in the right spirit? Do I love Him enough? Do I demonstrate it like I should? Some serious doubting going on in my heart, and I pray that it will ultimately bring me closer to my Jesus.