"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Sometimes my children absolutely make my heart sing.

While Anna-Marie has been a tremendous trooper about all this vision therapy.
~hour sessions every day
~weekly trips to Atlanta

Nathan - well Nathan is another story. We've noticed lately that he is jealous of all the attention she has been getting. Michael especially has really been trying to take up a lot of time with him. Not to long ago we signed him up for Karate, so we've been trying to make a real big deal out of that for him. But the bottom line is jealousy is a sin. Sin must be dealt with. We have to take it off (or better said) let Jesus take it off, and then we must let Jesus replace it with His righteousness. We prayed with Nathan and confronted him about his sin. He handled it very well. Like any good southern baptist he said "we'll I have been jealous three times"
Three times ?!!? (more like three times one hundred)

But at least he is acknowledging his sin. I read somewhere recently that when a heart is filled with gratitude it has no room for envy. So Michael and I decided each night to have Nathan list out several things he is thankful for and to thank God in prayer. Two things stick out in my mind tonight that he was thankful for. Our neighbors, when I asked him why "they are nice" he simply says ~ watch out neighbors, children notice when you are nice and they will make mention of you in their prayers. (that's pretty convicting stuff). Also, he was thankful for my brother; his uncle James. Why ~ "because he is in the army". We are so thankful to have someone as wonderful as my brother protecting our country. Sweet boy there is hope yet. I call all these type of things growing pains. Children must grow up it is inevitable, and sometimes unfortunately it is a little bit painful. God is good and works it all out as part of his perfect plan.

Today Anna-Marie and I went to an arts and crafts festival with some friends. When we sat down to eat lunch she spoke up and told me that she overhead two women talking and one of them had a sick daughter. She wanted us to pray for her. My heart overflowed. She is my little prayer warrior. Anna-Marie has the prayer life of an age old saint. She believes in prayer and takes EVERYTHING to God in prayer. I was so touched that she desires to pray for the needs of others and not just her personal wants and wishes. She reminded us again at dinner to pray for this sick girl. We will never know who they are and they will never know how we lifted them up in prayer (at least not this side of heaven). God knows! ~ I am so thankful that he has given my daughter a heart for Him and a heart for prayer.

Yes indeed my children make my heart sing.

Anna-Marie during home vision therapy (so cute!!!!!)
Nathan our karate chopping ninja.
what a man!!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nathan's Birthday

In browsing through my photos I realized I never posted pictures from Nathan's birthday.~ Back in August ~(bad Mom) (Too Busy Mom)
At least we did have a party. Nathan invited all the boys from his class. We brought them all home with us, took them swimming, and then took them to get pizza. We had a blast. Michael was our main source of entertainment. I'm thinking of renting him out for other birthday parties. He threw the boys over and over. He was very sore the next day.
I'm still in disbelief that my little baby is eight years old. It does not seem possible. Where has the time gone. I fret ~have I done all the things with him I needed and hoped to do. Time is slipping out of my hands. Thankfully he is still very affectionate, it doesn't bother his manlyhood at all to hug his Mama. I'm thankful for his buddies. They are very sweet boys. Good friends are a gift from God. I pray he always makes wise choices in his friendships and that he would himself be a good friend.
~Eight years old just seems really old to me. Really, really old.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The View From My Pew

Over the years I've had the opportunity to view the church, the preacher, and the church members from different view points. Of course before I became a Christian I was merely a spectator. Then, after receiving salvation I was like a sponge, soaking up the word of God and loving every minute of it. I couldn't get enough. The view from my pew was very narrow. Not narrow in the negative since. Narrow in that I was only watching the pastor. I wanted to hear what message the Lord had given him for ME. Sunday to Sunday I knew that God had a word specifically for me. Over time unfortunately my view became wider. It hurts to be honest but I must be~ I became critical of others. The wider the view from my pew, the more critical I became. I've worn pews out and I've had pews that saw very little of me, Oh I was at church, but I was so busy working. Over time the Lord has convicted me and I realize that we all need God's grace and mercy every day. Our churches are made up of many different "pews". The pew of self pity, the pew of criticism, the pew of hurt and pain, and like my first pew the most awesome pew, the pew of a brand new believer~ I'll call it the pew of awe. When you are first saved you just have that sense of "awe" over what the Lord has done. Ten years have gone by since I sat in the pew of "awe". Trials and joys have brought us to where we are now. Serving Christ in a small local church. I LOVE IT. Today, this is the view from my pew. I look up to the pulpit and see the godliest man I know. I look up to the pulpit and hear the Word of God. It brings conviction and encouragement. I look up to the pulpit and I see my husband. I'm aware of the wider view, I'm aware now of the dangers of taking my focus off of where it needs to be. The view from my pew is awesome. I know that the man behind the pulpit lives what he preaches. I know that he has the utmost integrity. I also know the hours and hours he pours into studying and praying in order to bring God's message to God's people. My view is awesome. Of course I have to share my pew; there are two little ones in the pew beside me that I have to keep quiet and orderly.
Oh, I know we live in a fishbowl. Take a seat and watch a while. This is what you'll see. Non perfect people who love a perfect God. Michael and I are not perfect, our children are not perfect. I don't tell them to behave because their daddy is the preacher. I tell them to behave because that should be the expectation of any child. I don't live for Jesus because I know people are watching. I live for Jesus because I love Him.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is just one of those photos that's worthy of a second posting. I've shared with a few people of our struggles with her academics. While she is an awesome reader, she has always struggled with math. (Reversing whole concepts) Okay it's not just a struggle. Over time it has become a very noticeable problem and a big concern .
So after much prayer and the providence of God
(Lisa Smith)~God continues to use her in my life)
we were led to a vision therapist.
Anna-Marie has a spatial perception problem causing her to see double and also causing her to reverse.
Praise the Lord. We now know exactly what the problem is, and there is help and hope. There is always hope because of Jesus.
And Because of Jesus there is also help.
She will have to have therapy on her eyes for the next eight to twelve months, five days a week. Four with me, one in the office in Atlanta. It's a lot, but I am so thankful and she is too.
I wanted to share this with anyone because sometimes we suffer in silence so unnecessarily. I was so guilty of this. I really want a perfect world. I want Michelle's perfect world. I forget God calls the shots. I'm so glad he does. My prayer is that one day Anna-Marie will look back on this and see the mighty hand of God
I do know this Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
We do not see this spatial perception as a "harm" but as part of God's will for our lives, and if we just let him He will work it all out for good, for His glory.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Best Husband EVER

I am married to the BEST HUSBAND EVER

And this is how he won this title:

Thursday I'm emailed by a friend urgently asking me to stop by after school. She owns a message therapy store, but honestly I think nothing of this because I've got the kids with me and I'm running by right after school. I arrive at 4:00 a few minutes later Michael shows up saying she had called him as well and needed both of us. She asks me to come to the back because she needs to show me something she received and couldn't understand it. I walk into the message room and laying on the table are beautiful roses and a sweet card. Michael sweeps the kids away and I get to enjoy an hour message. Yes, He is the best husband EVER!!!!