"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Sometimes my children absolutely make my heart sing.

While Anna-Marie has been a tremendous trooper about all this vision therapy.
~hour sessions every day
~weekly trips to Atlanta

Nathan - well Nathan is another story. We've noticed lately that he is jealous of all the attention she has been getting. Michael especially has really been trying to take up a lot of time with him. Not to long ago we signed him up for Karate, so we've been trying to make a real big deal out of that for him. But the bottom line is jealousy is a sin. Sin must be dealt with. We have to take it off (or better said) let Jesus take it off, and then we must let Jesus replace it with His righteousness. We prayed with Nathan and confronted him about his sin. He handled it very well. Like any good southern baptist he said "we'll I have been jealous three times"
Three times ?!!? (more like three times one hundred)

But at least he is acknowledging his sin. I read somewhere recently that when a heart is filled with gratitude it has no room for envy. So Michael and I decided each night to have Nathan list out several things he is thankful for and to thank God in prayer. Two things stick out in my mind tonight that he was thankful for. Our neighbors, when I asked him why "they are nice" he simply says ~ watch out neighbors, children notice when you are nice and they will make mention of you in their prayers. (that's pretty convicting stuff). Also, he was thankful for my brother; his uncle James. Why ~ "because he is in the army". We are so thankful to have someone as wonderful as my brother protecting our country. Sweet boy there is hope yet. I call all these type of things growing pains. Children must grow up it is inevitable, and sometimes unfortunately it is a little bit painful. God is good and works it all out as part of his perfect plan.

Today Anna-Marie and I went to an arts and crafts festival with some friends. When we sat down to eat lunch she spoke up and told me that she overhead two women talking and one of them had a sick daughter. She wanted us to pray for her. My heart overflowed. She is my little prayer warrior. Anna-Marie has the prayer life of an age old saint. She believes in prayer and takes EVERYTHING to God in prayer. I was so touched that she desires to pray for the needs of others and not just her personal wants and wishes. She reminded us again at dinner to pray for this sick girl. We will never know who they are and they will never know how we lifted them up in prayer (at least not this side of heaven). God knows! ~ I am so thankful that he has given my daughter a heart for Him and a heart for prayer.

Yes indeed my children make my heart sing.

Anna-Marie during home vision therapy (so cute!!!!!)
Nathan our karate chopping ninja.
what a man!!!!!

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