"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Tonight while I was helping Anna-Marie with her bath she said to me "Mama I know God has a plan for me, I don't know what it is but I know He has one. I do know I'm gonna be His servant."

ahhh what a sweet way to end my day
Praise the Lord for childlike faith. He has a plan for each of our lives. While we don't always know what it is or even understand it all in this moment. We can resolve to be His servant. She didn't just say "I'll serve Him", but "I'll be His servant"

And this is why today was a sweet Tuesday

Monday, July 27, 2009


Today Anna-Marie and I went to visit one of our dear sweet elderly widows in our church. She is such a precious women. Anna-Marie and I both enjoy spending time with her. My life stays so hectic sometimes that I neglect to visit her like I should. Today, I was reminded how much I was missing out on when I skip visits with her in persuit of other things. The wisdom that flows from this particular women is that which only comes from a lifetime of living for the Lord. She's not flaunty or showy, it's just who she is. She is simple, her life and home are simple. She simply loves the Lord.
She loved her husband that is evident from the way she speaks of him. She never uses any oppotunity to put him down. It's just real. Her home is small and simple, but when I'm there I feel so comfortable. HOME. That's what I think of. Where you just feel loved. You can't explain it, you just know it. When you leave you are given a kiss with a "ya'll come back now". She really means it too. Her advice and wisdom is so simple yet at the same time so wonderful. She reminded me to make my children earn what they get and to not ever be afraid to correct them. She told me they would thank me for it when they were older. She's right. I think about my own life and though it wasn't always easy, I'm thankful that I did have to work for my first car, it wasn't just given to me. I worked while I was in high school and two jobs while in college. I'm thankful for that now. I thank the Lord for wonderful, Godly older women like this one. She truly is that Titus woman the Bible tells us of: teaching the younger women to love their husbands and to take care of their homes and children. She doesn't hold seminars and charge thousands of dollars to "put on" a conference. She hasn't written any books. Though the wisdom and love she shares far surpasses any that I have ever heard from "professionals". She is a living, breathing, walking example of true godliness. I'm blessed to have her in my life. I sat with her for two hours and when I left I felt so refreshed and loved. I hope that when I have lived for the Lord as long as she has that I will be half as godly as she is.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

These are the days of Elijah

I took the kids to my sister's in Loganville, Georgia for a few days. It was our "bonding time". We loved loving on our sweet baby cousin Elijah.

Anna-Marie loved taking care of Elijah.

Aunt Sue took us to Stone Mountain Park where she works. This day we toured the confederate hall. The kids really enjoyed the history lesson. Anna-Marie even gave her daddy a recap after we got back home of all she learned.

This was a very cool water park we took the kids to in Lanora, Georgia. Nathan loved this slide. I did it twice (scared me to death)

Elijah is nine months old. It is so fun to watch life from the view of a nine month old. He has the sweetest disposition. I tried to pack him in my suitcase and bring him back home with me, but for some reason Melissa wasn't so fond of the idea. I think she might be a little attached to him.

We did get him to say "nay nay" and "shell". That's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Nathan and Anna-Marie at Fort Clinch

Fort Clinch, Amelia Island

Fernindina Beach AKA fun fun fun

We took the kids to Amelia Island, Florida for a few days of family bonding. We had a blast. Of course playing in the ocean was our favorite. It is amazing when you look out at the vastness of it and the beauty. It's an amazing reminder of how AWESOME God is. How powerful and great He is.

Nathan's favorite was "riding the waves". And boy did he ride the waves over and over and over. He completely wore himself out.
Anna-Marie loves the ocean as well. When the water got too rough I recommended that we build sand castles. She caught on to what I was up to and said, "Mommy, they're just waves, you really need to toughen up." So toughen up I did. I rode the waves until I wore myself out.
We toured the historical Fort Clinch located on the uppermost Florida coastline. The kids were very fascinated and wanted to explore every inch of the place. We also enjoyed a fun round of put-put. (I got my very first ever hole-in-one). Yes, I was excited. God is so good to us, and I am so thankful for my family. Just the simplicity of enjoying the beach together brings so much joy to my heart. I'm so thankful to the Lord for blessing me with Michael, Nathan, and Anna-Marie.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Anna-Marie attended a birthday party on Saturday for princesses.
She had a blast. Each little girl dressed up and of course the occasion called for a horse and carriage. They each felt so special to be driven through the neighborhood in a carriage pulled by a big beautiful horse. Anna-Marie certainly is our little princess. Obviously she enjoyed her cupcake, as evident from her lips on the photo! The joys of being six years old!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This morning the kids and I picked blueberries. We arrived at the blueberry patch at 8:00am. Very early for us to be out and about. I must say we have thoroughly enjoyed the pleasures of our summer vacation, ie: sleeping in. But today we wanted to get some yummy blueberries before it got too hot. The farm we went to belongs to one of our deacons and his sweet wife. Tom and Dorothy Rogers have a large blueberry patch. They are very sweet to share their blueberries with others. They also have several Oreo cows (very cool), horses and Llamas. They love and take very good care of their animals. The kids and I had a great time today. They were convinced that the horses wanted them to stay.

Nathan and Anna-Marie picking blueberries.

Anna-Marie sitting down on the job.

Anna-Marie and I enjoying the "fruits" of our labor.

Nathan showing off all his blueberries. He worked very hard.

Clowning Around

Yes, that is a Llama! Pretty cool, huh!!
What's happening
Right now we are getting packed up to go spend a few days at the beach. I don't know who's more excited, the kids or Michael and I.
Cutie's from the kiddos
Nathan has decided he is going to start a car washing business. He wants some money. He told his Daddy that they could go into business together. Nathan said he would wash the peoples car's while his Daddy preached to them. This might have potential.
Some personal thoughts
I read a daily devotional by Henry Blackaby. Today's message really made me stop and think. He said, "Whenever an unbeliever meets a Christian, the unbeliever ought to be face to face with everything he needs to know in order to follow Christ."
In other words, when they see me, my actions, my attitudes I should completely represent Jesus to them. Sadly, we Christians typically have our lives so filled with sin, bad attitudes and hypocrisy that we often turn unbelievers away instead of drawing them in. Blackaby goes on to say, "Our lives ought to be a highway of holiness, providing easy access to God for anyone around us who seeks Him."
As I continued to ponder these thoughts I was reminded of the hand towels I keep in my bathroom. I have two, one is very pretty and it is for "decor only". Not to be used. The second one is to be used. It's pretty mind you, but a little older then the other and obviously useful. I thought of my Christian walk. As a Christian I can be like the "decor only" towel. Yes, I'm saved. My salvation is sealed and I'm on my way to heaven (look at me ain't I pretty) but it stops there I have no other usefulness, I don't meet the real needs of anyone. Or I can be like the "use me" towel. Sold out and used up for the cause of Christ. Here I am Lord use me. Yes, I get tired, but He renews my energy. When I get dirty and stained with my sins or the sins of others, just like that towels is washed, He washes me.
Well I've been on here too long. Time to go wash some towels.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

( This Photo is pretty old, but it shows the kids sporting their army attire)
Happy Fourth of July!

Our plans for today are to get some much needed work done around the house. Michael and Nathan just took off for home depot (hope they're open).

Fourth of July of-course always makes us think of our wonderful military. We are so blessed and privileged to have two faithful heroes in our family. Our nephew Mark is in the army as well as my little brother James. James is in New Mexico, newly married and loving it. Mark is also newly married and loving it I'm sure. It is our privilege to pray for them often. Nathan is particularly proud of his Uncle James. He tells everyone that James is his brother. I don't know why he has this fascination with this. He just thinks that is so "cool" to have an army man for a brother. It's funny because they look so much alike. Little Nathan is the spitting image of James when he was little. James was very sweet too just like Nathan. I have very early memories of "teaching" James. We would sit on the front porch while I taught him his ABC's and how to read and write. I hope I got it right:) I doubt I was old enough to know them myself. He listened though and was a very good student. Guess I was destined to be a teacher. Apparently it's in my blood. I do miss him. He's a great guy.

Proverbs 31 talks of a woman's children rising up and calling her blessed.
These are the moments I live for. Well, that's not all I live for, but I do love those moments.

Yesterday while driving in the car Anna-Marie was talking about something she really didn't need to be talking about. Not a bad word or anything like that. Just a topic a little girl need not be talking about. As she said it, I looked straight ahead and said a quick prayer seeking God's guidance in how to reply so that she would know this wasn't appropriate. Before I could turn to her, she said "Mommy, when I say that, it makes my tummy hurt". ~he he he~ ~ha ha ha~ I think to myself. God you are so good. Of course I explain to her that this is the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. I just didn't quite use those words. She is only six:)

This was a wonderful life lesson. I hope that when I go to say something I shouldn't or do something I shouldn't that the Holy Spirit would make my tummy hurt. I hope I recognize that hurt, and STOP. It is my hope, desire and prayer for myself and family that all we do be to the glory of God. Psalm 19:4 sums it up well
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer."

Nathan is so much like his daddy. I love it!!!! He can be so serious, especially when it comes to the things of the Lord. It's black or white. (YES!!) So far so good, lets continue to pray this never changes. Last night at dinner Anna-Marie was yet again worried about the eternal security of our dog, Scooter. Will he go to heaven?her constant question, (the dog is no where near death) She just chooses to concern herself with these things. Nathan told her very matter-of-factly that dogs did not have souls and therefore could not repent of their sins and be saved, so NO they don't go to heaven. Honestly, this was a great answer. Not so great to the "grieving" Anna-Marie. Nathan shrugs his shoulders. In his mind (see I know his mind, because it is so much like Michael's) she'll get over it. You gotta appreciate a man like that. Just shoot it to me straight. Michael though is older and a little wiser he told her that if God wanted Scooter in heaven he would be there. This soothed her bleeding heart. Daddy saved the night and we continued our meal in peace. ~for at least another minute:)
And so in these moments it's as if my children are rising up and calling me "blessed". I am blessed beyong measusre to have children who love the Lord.

And this folks is the wonderful world of the Wingertsahn's

Friday, July 3, 2009

Well this would be my very first blog. I put it off forever, not being exactly techno savvy. I hope this is a great way for our family and friends to keep up with us. I'm horrible about sending out Christmas cards and sending pictures. I do have a wonderful family to brag about. A wonderful husband! Who loves Jesus and adores his wife and two adorable children. Nathan is seven and keeps us laughing with his crazy stories. He is a very sweet boy. He has decided with all his shortness that his sport of choice is now basketball. He's actually pretty good. Our daughter Anna-Marie just turned six. She is beautiful from the inside out. She loves animals and even worries about the bugs we kill, if they will go to heaven or not. We have lots to be thankful for. First and foremost we are thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for cleansing us from all our sins and living inside of us. He guides us and helps us everyday. We don't deserve it, but He loves us more then we could ever imagine. I couldn't imagine my life without Him in it.

This is us


Nathan is our oldest. He loves to use his imagination, and boy does he have a big one.

He loves anything outdoors . He does bring us constant joy.

He loves the Lord and wants others to love and know Him too.

Anna-Marie just turned six. She just couldn't be any cuter. For example; The Wendy's in our town closed several months back, this really bothers the kids. Earlier this week she asked me what was being done about it. I couldn't really say, she finally asked "Well, have you prayed about it?"

Her question made my heart swell, then her next move made it overflow. She bowed her pretty little head and said "dear Jesus please open Wendy's back up, and Jesus I love you"