"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Monday, July 27, 2009


Today Anna-Marie and I went to visit one of our dear sweet elderly widows in our church. She is such a precious women. Anna-Marie and I both enjoy spending time with her. My life stays so hectic sometimes that I neglect to visit her like I should. Today, I was reminded how much I was missing out on when I skip visits with her in persuit of other things. The wisdom that flows from this particular women is that which only comes from a lifetime of living for the Lord. She's not flaunty or showy, it's just who she is. She is simple, her life and home are simple. She simply loves the Lord.
She loved her husband that is evident from the way she speaks of him. She never uses any oppotunity to put him down. It's just real. Her home is small and simple, but when I'm there I feel so comfortable. HOME. That's what I think of. Where you just feel loved. You can't explain it, you just know it. When you leave you are given a kiss with a "ya'll come back now". She really means it too. Her advice and wisdom is so simple yet at the same time so wonderful. She reminded me to make my children earn what they get and to not ever be afraid to correct them. She told me they would thank me for it when they were older. She's right. I think about my own life and though it wasn't always easy, I'm thankful that I did have to work for my first car, it wasn't just given to me. I worked while I was in high school and two jobs while in college. I'm thankful for that now. I thank the Lord for wonderful, Godly older women like this one. She truly is that Titus woman the Bible tells us of: teaching the younger women to love their husbands and to take care of their homes and children. She doesn't hold seminars and charge thousands of dollars to "put on" a conference. She hasn't written any books. Though the wisdom and love she shares far surpasses any that I have ever heard from "professionals". She is a living, breathing, walking example of true godliness. I'm blessed to have her in my life. I sat with her for two hours and when I left I felt so refreshed and loved. I hope that when I have lived for the Lord as long as she has that I will be half as godly as she is.

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