"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Thursday, August 13, 2009


"Too blessed to be stressed" that's what I told Michael this morning when I woke up. Yes, my life has been a tad bit stressful. I've got a room full of sweet little second graders and my life has been non stop hopping since the first day of school.
This morning after my sweet time with the Lord, I was reminded of a bumper sticker I've seen before with this quote. Cute and oh so true! I am oh so blessed. And yes, I had a fantastic day! Tonight as I sat with Anna-Marie spending just a few more minutes with her before she drifted off to sleepy town I listened to her pray. What a sweet privilege for a mama to listen to her sweet baby pray to Jesus. She said,(and I must quote so you get the full affect) "Jesus, thank you that I did good on my paper thingy in school today, you know the half page thingy, Jesus thank you that I got all checkses, thank you Lord Jesus." Her prayer was so innocent and from her heart, the sweetest thing is that Jesus knows exactly what "thingy" she is talking about and He cares and she knows He cares. WOW, who am I to be so blessed. Nathan is also geared up and ready to be studious (OK, sometimes) (OK, only when it comes to tests). He wants to make good grades he just doesn't understand why he has to do all that other work in between. Tonight as we study for his spelling test he has that light bulb moment. You know, when it finally clicks, he's so excited "I get it now" he says. Yes, I say I've only been teaching it to you all week. It's not easy teaching your own child. But, he was proud of himself and I was proud for him. He found me in the laundry room after all should have been in bed, but before I could shoo him away, he asked me to pray with him, (boy does he know how to avoid going to bed). We prayed and Nathan just went right on ahead and thanked Jesus that he was going to make a 100 on his spelling test. While there is power in positive thinking, I'm glad he thanked Jesus, and that he knows Jesus deserves our thanks and praise in all we do. I do love my children. As I continue to think how blessed I am of course my ultimate blessing is my salvation. I'm so thankful Jesus loved me so much that He died in my place and offered me eternal life and I'm so thankful that He didn't stop there, that He gives me the gift of the Holy Spirit to help me and to guide me each and every day. I must say though, as I think about how blessed I am, I can't help but turn my thoughts to my dear sweet husband. I am the most blessed women to have such a godly man. I don't deserve him, but he's mine.
I must end with a quote from one of my favorite authors; Henry Blackaby "Jesus did not say that the world will know Him by our miracles, by our grand testimonies, or by our vast Bible knowledge. The world will know Him by the love that Christians show to one another."

Christians it is time that we let that love shine, let others see it and want it for themselves and let's be ready to tell 'em what it is that makes us love each other so much. JESUS

Jesus has worked miracles in my life and yes, the testimony of how the Lord saved me is amazing. I don't know near as much about the Bible as I wish I did. But I haven't meet too many unsaved individuals that wish to hear about my testimony or care to know how much I think I know about the Bible. When I put out there that I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, they are watching to see what makes that so, and they will know it is so if they see me loving others. Truly, sacrificially loving others. Just like Jesus did.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle,
    I have been stopping by, but failing to leave a comment! I enjoy your posts; you always encourage me to live for Jesus! I agree with you and my new moto shall be, "Too blessed to be stressed"!!! Your kiddos are prcious! Take care my friend! Shara
