"The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations"

Psalm 100:5

Thursday, August 27, 2009


1 John 3:16 gives us a clear definition of love and christian maturity~

"We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

Today after school Anna-Marie was misbehaving and I told her she would be receiving a spanking. Naturally she began to cry. Nathan came over to me and with the most sincere sweetest spirit asked me to please let him take her punishment. He was so sweet and truly wanted to take that punishment that she deserved and take it away from her and onto himself. I must tell you my heart was so moved and I was so proud of him. He is far from perfect, but He has such a sensitive heart for the Holy Spirit. I told him how much like Jesus that was. He told Michael the other day that God had given him a mission. He was going to go all over the world and tell people to stop doing bad things (he named several "bad" things) but he said I'm going to tell them that the most important thing is that you accept Jesus as your Savior.
~Michael and I will be praying for our little soldier that God will equip him with all he needs to carry out His mission.

as for Anna-Marie punishment was still necessary. She's gotta learn. Nathan informed me tonight that he used to act just like that 'referring to her misbehavior' ; years ago he says, back when he was 6 and 7. But he says "I'm older now and I know better"

Thus the life of any believer ~
we are young, we misbehave, we receive punishment, we learn, we grow Hopefully we grow so much that we take on the attitude of Christ and one that Nathan demonstrated today. Willing to lay down our own lives for our brothers.

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